Racking Inspections: A Complete Guide To Warehouse Racking Safety

If you use pallet racking in your warehouse, you need to be aware of the health and safety regulations that are subject to inspection. Our complete racking inspections guide will take you through everything you need to know to keep your warehouse safe and pass your pallet racking safety inspection.

What does the law say about racking inspections?

Warehouse racking regulations include the following:

The 1998 Law – Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations (PUWER) states that all racking equipment comes under the legislation of heavy work equipment which, “must be inspected and maintained on a regular basis”.

In 2015, the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) Construction, Design and Management Regulations, made it a legal responsibility for warehouse owners to ensure that safety regulations are met and that all workers within a warehouse are competent.

HSE Pallet Racking Regulation Document

If you are feeling overwhelmed about how to keep your warehouse safe and legal, the HSE provide guideline booklets for each safety regulation. The HSG76 Warehouse and storage: A guide to health and safety booklet contains the safety information that specifically relates to pallet racking safety in a warehouse. 

Every warehouse manager should familiarise themselves with the HSE guidelines.

What happens during a warehouse racking inspection?

Racking inspections should be carried out by a qualified SARI (SEMA-Approved Racking Inspector) or a Technically Competent Person at least once a year.

The steps taken during a warehouse safety inspection are:

  • The SEMA inspector will carry out a visual inspection from the warehouse floor. 
  • The inspector will ask to see evidence of health and safety documentation such as daily/weekly checks carried out by the designated person in charge of racking safety in your warehouse. 
  • A full warehouse inspection report with analysis of any damage or concerns will be sent after the inspection is complete. 

How to pass a pallet racking inspection

Pallet racking is a safe and versatile warehouse storage choice but make sure you only purchase racking equipment from trusted professionals. Trained specialists, such as the experts at Rack Storage Systems, can guide you in the planning, installation, and maintenance of your warehouse storage system. 

When your pallet racking is being installed or maintained, make sure that important safety considerations are followed, such as how racking is secured to the floor. It is the legal responsibility of the warehouse owner to check the credentials of any contractor or worker within their warehouse.

Appoint a designated rack safety person in your warehouse who carries out regular internal inspections based on the HSE pallet racking safety guidelines. All staff should be trained on how to report safety concerns or damage. 

If your whole team is aware of warehouse health and safety regulations and you carry out regular internal warehouse inspections, you should have no problem passing your pallet racking safety inspection.

High-quality pallet racking from Rack Storage

At Rack Storage, our pallet racking systems are manufactured to a standard you can trust. Discover our high-quality new and used pallet racking systems for your warehouse and get a quote today.

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